Vet Radiology Services for Meadow Vista Pets
At Meadow Vista Veterinary Clinic, we have incorporated digital radiology into our diagnostic capabilities allowing us to provide more immediate treatment.
The images captured give our veterinarians and specialists the chance to share patient information in a much more time-efficient manner.
In addition to providing state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging services, our radiologist also provides film-reading services for your primary care veterinarian as well as outpatient ultrasounds.
Board-Certified Veterinary Radiologist
A board-certified radiologist is someone who has undergone advanced training in all diagnostic imaging modalities so you can be sure your pet is in the best hands.
Radiology (Digital X-Rays)
A radiograph, or digital X-ray, is a type of photograph that can take snapshots inside your pet's body and reveal information that may not be discernible from the outside.
Radiography is painless, safe, and completely non-invasive, and uses only very low doses of radiation. Because the level of radiation exposure needed to perform radiography is very low, even pregnant females and very young pets can undergo radiography.
Radiographs can be used to evaluate bones and organs and diagnose conditions including bladder stones, broken bones, chronic arthritis, spinal cord diseases and some tumors.